Established in 2003 by CEO & President Dr. Trish Hatch, Hatching Results® teaches and empowers school counselors, administrators, and other educators to use data to improve efficiency and effectiveness, leading to improved outcomes for students. Providing professional learning to thousands of educators across almost every state, Hatching Results also provides grant writing, program evaluation, advocacy, keynote speaking, online learning, and consultation services to support school districts, counties, and entire states in designing, implementing, and evaluating school counseling programs. Learn more below!

What we hope to see in the future:

School counselors are leaders, systemic change agents, collaborators, and advocates who are empowered to design, implement, evaluate, and improve comprehensive, data-driven school counseling programs that address the diverse needs of all students, increase access and opportunities, and decrease equity gaps, resulting in schools that produce successful, contributing, and resilient members of society.
How we will achieve our vision:

Hatching Results serves and advances the school counseling profession by producing sustainable systemic change through a Multi-Tiered, Multi-Domain System of Supports (MTMDSS) that ensures equitable access to high quality education for all students. Co-constructed, tailored professional learning and consultation services equip school counselors and educational stakeholders with the skills to design, implement, evaluate, and improve comprehensive, data-driven school counseling programs that reflect the transformed role of the 21st century school counselor.
If Hatching Results... Then school counselors will... So that students will...
  1. Provides a variety of cutting edge supports to school counselors, administrators, district leaders, and other key educational partners;

  2. Equips and empowers school counselors with the necessary attitudes, knowledge, and skills;

  3. Builds sustainable, internal leadership capacity within districts, counties, and states to align their policies, practices, and systems with current professional, evidence-based frameworks;

  4. Serves and advances the profession by promoting current research, modeling promising practices, and curating a variety of innovative resources;

  1. Design, implement, evaluate, and transform comprehensive school counseling programs aligned to evidence-based models and frameworks that promote student equity, access, opportunity, and success (e.g. ASCA National Model, MTSS/MTMDSS, CASEL, NOSCA 8, EBP, Social Justice Standards, Data-Driven Decision-Making Cycle)

  2. Serve as dynamic leaders, advocates, collaborators, and agents of systemic change who actively contribute to the development of a highly effective and inclusive school climate that continually improves its systems for learning to maximize student success.

  3. Align their student-centered, data-driven programs to school and district goals in intentional, meaningful, and measurable ways.

  4. Conduct regular, frequent analysis of aggregate and disaggregate student data to inform decision-making.

  5. Address the diverse academic, career, and social/emotional needs of students, decrease equity gaps, and increase access and opportunities, such that there is no disproportionality in attendance, discipline, or achievement data.

  6. Build synergistic partnerships with other student service providers, staff, and community agencies to ensure all students receive the appropriate supports according to their demonstrated level of need, within a multi-tiered, multi-domain system of supports (MTMDSS):
    • All students receive high quality universal Tier 1 support, including school counseling classroom instruction, individual student planning (grades 6-12), and schoolwide programs and activities.
    • Some students (~20%), who are identified through a proactive analysis of data, receive supplemental Tier 2 support.
    • Few students (~5%) receive short-term, intensified Tier 3 support.
  7. Continually improve their efficiency and effectiveness in implementing a proactive (vs reactive) program by partnering with their administrator and the district office to make intentional, data-driven decisions about their use of time in alignment with professional and ethical standards of practice.

  8. Regularly share the impact of their programs and activities on student outcomes with the school community.

  9. Approach professional learning from a beginner’s mindset while actively engaging in reflective, transformational growth aligned to current professional and ethical standards of practice.

  10. Mindfully embrace their unique and appropriate role in building relationships, capacity, and sustainable systems within their schools, districts, regions, and the profession of school counseling.

  • Grow in their academic, social/emotional, and career development

  • Graduate with a variety of postsecondary options that position them to succeed in their pathway of choice
  • Achieve their fullest potential as active participants in a diverse global community.
So that the school counseling profession will...
  • Strengthen in organizational efficiency, institutional legitimacy, and political social capital for the benefit of students nationwide.
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Over the course of a couple years, Hatching Results empowered our Comprehensive Counseling Team (CCT) to move from random acts of guidance to an intentional data-driven alignment of our initiative to support our diverse students and families at all levels of the MTMDSS. Applying their knowledge and experience as school counselors and district administrators, Hatching Results recognized the uniqueness of our approach in forming a comprehensive counseling team comprised of school counselors, school social workers, school psychologists, and social-emotional learning specialists. While collaborating with multiple Evansville Vanderburgh School Corporation (EVSC) district departments and external data analysts, Hatching Results provided many resources and adapted their professional development to meet our needs to align with the EVSC mission, vision, and continuous improvement plan. In presentations to the Board of School Trustees, administration, and district support staff, Hatching Results advocated for systemic change.

CCT pre/post data gathered from the professional development provided by Hatching Results confirms an understanding and alignment of roles and responsibilities with improved knowledge, beliefs, and skills. Hatching Results has allowed us to see possibilities that we once thought impossible—systemic change is becoming a reality in EVSC!
— Kim McWilliams,
Chief Officer of Family, School, and Community Partnership,
Evansville Vanderburgh School Corporation
Trish and her team have helped affirm for me and provide me the language to support school counselors in their critical work. Hatchings training emphasizes empowerment and accountability for counselors so they can also advocate for themselves. Through our county-wide collaborative efforts we have seen counselors become more integrated into the work of their schools and become a true network of professionals.
— Dr. Steve Thalheimer,
Elkhart Community Schools

Expert Training in School Counseling Programs

Hatching Results® now offers a variety of educational services delivered by expert consultants, grant writers, evaluators, and professional learning specialists. Our goal is to help school counselors, site administrators and central office leaders answer the following questions about their school counseling programs:

  • What is the purpose of my program?

  • What are my goals and objectives?

  • How will I collect and use data?

  • Which school counseling data matters most?

  • How do I assess the impact of my activities?

  • How do I evaluate the results of the school counseling program?

  • Is the program making a difference?

  • How do we revise or improve our program?

  • How do I help school counselors become more efficient and effective?

  • How do we add collecting and evaluating data to the school counselor's full plate?

As an integral part of the total educational program for student success, school counselors are increasingly called on to demonstrate how their program connects to common core standards and uses data to:

  • Identify targeted areas of need

  • Implement intentional guidance (or closing the gap) activities to address areas of need

  • Measure the results of their programs

  • Provide equity and access to a rigorous education for every student

  • Share their successes

  • Improve their programs and services for students

Ready For Training?

If you are looking to train, fund, improve or evaluate your school counseling program you have come to the right place. Take a moment to review our website offerings, training modules, resources and testimonials. Learn how our Hatching Results® team can help you and your district use data to improve your school counseling program.

Together let's start Hatching YOUR Results today!