EPISODE #22: Supporting The Navajo (Diné) Nation Through The Pandemic

In this episode, Trish Hatch interviews three school counselors working on the Navajo Nation who are alumni of San Diego State. Listen as Shawn Deschenie, Dewey Manus and Darrick Franklin share their insights and experiences with COVID-19. Additionally, Carol Robinson-Zanartu discusses her work supporting Indigenous graduate students.


More Information:

EPISODE #21: COVID-19 Pt. 2: Empathy Hangover

In this episode, Trish Hatch follows up with Rachel Pekin, school counselor at the Hangzhou International School in Zhejiang, China. They discuss the reentry practices and procedures for school openings, and the impact on students and faculty.

EPISODE #20: COVID-19: A Rigid Commitment To Flexibility!

In this episode, Trish Hatch interviews Rachel Pekin about her experience as a school counselor in China during the COVID-19 pandemic. She describes her “new normal,” and gives advice for those who are at the beginning of this crisis.

EPISODE #19: California Advocate of the Year!

In this episode, Trish Hatch interviews Rebecca Pianta, the 2019 California Association of School Counselors Advocate of the Year. She shares her story of leadership, transforming a district counseling program. Retired Counselor Kathy Rapkin provides insight on the systemic change made at Capistrano Unified School District!

EPISODE #18: Keys to RAMP!

In this episode, Whitney Triplett interviews podcast moderator Felipe Zañartu about his journey to earning Recognized ASCA Model Program (RAMP) School of Distinction earlier this year. Joined by Lead RAMP Reviewers Dr. Nancy Jarman-Dunn and Mark Boggie, Whitney and Felipe discuss challenges, insights, and tips for school counselors who are considering going for RAMP.

EPISODE #17: Hatching Results Releases New Tier 1 Secondary Textbook!

In this episode, Trish Hatch, Whitney Triplett, Danielle Duarte and Vanessa Gomez discuss their new textbook, Hatching Results for Secondary School Counseling: Implementing Core Curriculum, Individual Student Planning, and Other Tier 1 Activities. These national experts and trainers share their insights, favorites, and important takeaways from this exciting new text.

EPISODE #16: Systemic County Leadership: Reach Higher Shasta!

In this episode Trish Hatch interviews Judy Flores, County Superintendent of Schools for Shasta County (California) and County Coordinator of School Counselors Becky Love. They share their county’s story, which has transformed five district school counseling programs, building on key themes of equity, access, and college & career readiness!

EPISODE #15: School Counseling Ambassadors at US Dept. of Education

In this episode Trish interviews Patrick O’Connor, former school counseling ambassador for the United States Department of Education. Patrick discusses the process for getting involved, shares the work done on behalf of school counselors and implications for the profession!

Resources referenced during this episode:

EPISODE #14: Advocating For School Counselor Training Standards

In this episode, Trish interviews two of the several school counseling leaders who had the opportunity to influence, direct and update the school counselor training standards in California. Dr. Loretta Whitson Ed.D., Executive Director of the California Association of School Counselors (CASC) and Danielle Duarte, former CASC President and current student in the Harvard Doctoral program for educational leadership share their experience sitting on the panel and give insight on changes coming to school counseling credentialing in CA.

EPISODE #11: Time to Advocate and Celebrate for National School Counseling Week!

This episode is a “smack down” of interviews featuring eight counselors from all three education levels. School counselors share their plans and events for National School Counseling Week 2018, February 5th-9th.

Resources referenced during this episode: 

EPISODE #10: Creating a Position Statement for Students Experiencing Issues Surrounding Undocumented Status

In this episode Trish Hatch tells of turning advocacy into action through interviews with three passionate professionals supporting students impacted by issues surrounding undocumented status. Trish and Diana Camillo, Co-Director of the SDSU School Counseling Graduate Program, share their story of the impact of the CESCaL Conference; Mark Boggie, Co-Chair of the ASCA Position Statements Committee, and Eric Blanco, Past-President of the California Association of School Counselors, discuss their collaboration with CESCaL and ASCA to support the new position statement.

Resources referenced during this episode:

EPISODE #8: The Counselor Administrator Relationship & “Why”

In this episode, Tawnya Pringle, a high school counselor and 2014-15 Top 5 ASCA School Counselor of the Year, and two elementary school counselors share their “why” stories and discuss their administrator relationships. Also includes ideas for collaborating with administrators and recommendations for successfully managing school counselor or leadership transitions.

Resources referenced during this episode:

EPISODE #7: A Data Day is Like a Mental Health Day

In this episode Trish Hatch interviews Jeannie Maddox about her work with school counselors in Florida to create a counselor-centered professional development day focused on looking deeply at their data, and using the findings to plan and implement a comprehensive school counseling program.

Visit Jeannie Maddox's blog, Exploring School Counseling, for more information and resources.

Episode #5: Multi-Tiered Multi-Domained System of Supports (MTMDSS)

In this episode, Trish Hatch discusses a new concept for school counselors working within a multi-tiered framework to further support a comprehensive model for school counseling. Felipe Zanartu & Danielle Duarte also share school counseling news and updates.

Episode #4: Advocating for School Counseling, Michelle Obama, and National School Counseling Week

In this episode, Danielle Duarte shares her advocacy which led to school counseling featured as a Big Idea in the San Diego Magazine. Trish Hatch discusses the White House School Counselor of the Year Event with Michelle Obama and ideas for promoting our profession during National School Counseling Week.

Episode #3 Case Management and Advocacy in Chicago Public Schools

In this episode, focusing on the school counselors' role in case management, four special guests Whitney Triplett, Lisa De Gregorio, Erin Mason and Barbara Karpouzian share the history, challenges and opportunities in Chicago Public Schools.

Episode #2 Impact of DeVos, School Choice and Local Control

In this episode, Paul Meyers, a former state department of education consultant, former president of the California Association of School Counselors and current school superintendent, offers his thoughts on the nomination of Betsy Devos to the U.S. Department of Education and its potential impact for school counselors.